
Rating 1631

Playing max preferred number of games
Daily ChessLast move 55 minutes ago

About kristjan

Here are some of my favourite games:
Game 15625073 - Forced mate-in-4 found
Game 15583645 - Simplify to a winning endgame
Game 15504332 - Double mate threat, pawn mate
Game 15548900 - Beautiful no-contact mate
Game 15480680 - King hunt with tempo
Game 15191526 - Knight+2P V rook endgame
Game 15191235 - Queen sacrifice with a smothered mate
Game 15072577 - sacrificing two rooks for the win
Game 14903364 - two bishops and two pawns seal the the king's fate
Game 14545108 - double knight sacrifice create double passed pawns on the 6th
Game 14814051 - pretty end
Game 14168945 - mating net on weak white squares
Game 13076982 - mating net with Zugzwang
Game 12091684 - mate I never planned!
Game 11975244 - Exchanges convert lost position into a bad bishop vs Knight win
Game 10753832 - Attacking sacrifices used to continue a king hunt!
Game 10730319 - a nice positional sacrifice 17. Nd6+! to win
Game 10730328 - pair of knight clearance sacs to win
Game 10748156 - no sacrifices, but a nice mate with a pawn
Game 10875273 - win-in-2. The Dutch Staunton gambit, Nimzovich variation
Game 10970866 - a brutal endgame with a lucky Knight and Rook fork
Game 10948658 - An interesting endgame against a strong opponent
Game 10995575 - A pretty rook sacrifice for a quick mate
Game 11051604 - The Dangers of Launching a King-side Pawn Rush
Game 11051605 - Poisoned Pawn on Move 36 provides tempo for a Mate-in-5
Game 11075474 - King hunt ending with a pawn mate
Game 11000533 - A nice N vs B endgame
Game 11197949 - Slow suffocation of a wandering king
Game 11160433 - Mate-in-2 chess problem on move 29
Game 11324701 - Bishop Clearance/Deflection sac on move 9
Game 11350504 - Nice double-check with mate next move
Game 11151633 - Two pawns down but a nice finish

Rating Trend (last 50 games)

Rated Won / Drawn / Lost

All Rated

8390 games

As White

4209 games

As Black

4181 games

Daily ChessStats

Games Played8602
In Progress44
All Moves268701
Moves This Month1270
Tourn. Entry Rating1670
Vacation rem' 202436 days

Rated Color


8390 games


4681 games


3162 games


547 games

Rated Timeouts


490 games


580 games


90 days1 Year5 Years
Highest Rating166817091830
Average Rating149115401560
Lowest Rating133113311221
Opponent Average Rating143914391437
Games Rated1485132352
  • Moves This Month is the number of moves made since the 1st of the month.
  • Highest Rating excludes provisional (first 20) games.
  • Tournament Entry Rating is calculated by the formula (CurrentRating + HighestRating) / 2. The entry rating will never drop to more than 100 points below your Highest Rating.
  • Rated stats are updated within 24 hours of the last completed rated game.
  • Last refreshed on 25 Apr '24 .

Affiliated Clans

Affiliated Clubs

  • Dark Dragon

    Just have fun and never take the game too seriously.

Tournament Victories

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