
Rating 1024

Accepting challenges from rated over 1600
Daily ChessLast move 2945 days 15 hours and 36 minutes ago

About JRoma

I'm working on improving my endgame. Trying to work my way through Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual, I love to practice endgames. My favorite books are Chess Fundamentals by Capablanca, which I recommend to beginners, and My System by Nimzovich.

I am also a wannabe theoretician. See my notes in my profile. I have an interest in the game theoretical aspects of chess.

Good luck with the games!

Notes -

1. The Najdorf is my favorite defense for black, with it's snake like charm. Black stays non comital on all fronts until the last minute, when all of a sudden a shocking plan emerges from nowhere. Black hasn't even castled, and yet somehow counterplay is building. This is the beauty of the Najdorf.

2. The exchange sac is underrated in my opinion. There is a sub conscious tendency for players to always assume a rook is worth more than a bishop. Very often this is not true. The tables can be turned like a switch, if your opponent was making positional considerations with this assumption, that now work against him after the exchange. The unexpectedness is what makes it so powerful. If used properly a strong effect of surprise can be achieved.

3. The Sicilian is based on the fundamental idea of the reactive versus the proactive. The open c file and d file, combined with completely opposite approaches to the game.

4. The Grunfeld defense is the Sicilian defense of the queen's pawn game.

5. One thing you should avoid when playing the Grunfeld is developing your knight before playing ...c5. Break up that center first, even if it means temporarily giving up your c pawn. It's well worth the investment; the bishops can then tear through his queenside.

Rating Trend (last 50 games)

Rated Won / Drawn / Lost

All Rated

464 games

As White

227 games

As Black

237 games

Daily ChessStats

Games Played486
In Progress0
All Moves10798
Moves This Month0
Tourn. Entry Rating1024

Rated Color


464 games


163 games


289 games


12 games

Rated Timeouts


24 games


229 games


90 days1 Year5 Years
Highest Rating132417181718
Average Rating113913401295
Lowest Rating1024956956
Opponent Average Rating160314411432
Games Rated76265464
  • Moves This Month is the number of moves made since the 1st of the month.
  • Highest Rating excludes provisional (first 20) games.
  • Tournament Entry Rating is calculated by the formula (CurrentRating + HighestRating) / 2. The entry rating will never drop to more than 100 points below your Highest Rating.
  • Rated stats are updated within 24 hours of the last completed rated game.
  • Last refreshed on 28 Jun '16 .

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